Monday, October 13, 2008

What a weekend!

So, the weekend started early for me. I took off about 10:30am from work, as I already had over 40 hours in for the week. Woo hoo!

So, I run around and take some pictures. All is good. Get home, check my emails, and my Flickr stuff, of course. And hey! New comments on my pictures!

So, I check them out. And I've got a new comment from Southern Minnesota magazine! Seems that they want to use one of my pictures in an upcoming issue! Woo hoo! Published! The image they are going to use is the one below- the wind turbines in southern Minnesota.

Then, on Saturday, I get up early to go shoot some pictures of C, a little guy whose Mom works with Becky's friend, Sarah. I wake up to a great morning - sunshine, and decent temperatures. I headed to their home, and started taking pictures. After it was all said and done, I took over 800 pictures of the little guy! We had a blast - pumpkin patch, the park, and playing with leaves in his front yard.

Sunday was the "relaxing" day. We took it easy, and I finished processing the pictures I took from Saturday, and generated the online gallery for the family to check out. It was a blast to shoot this little guy - he loved playing and running all over the place, and didn't mind to get his picture taken so much!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!

Shooting. I picked up the Nikon Nikkor 50mm 1.8 lens on Monday afternoon. Why? I was asked by a co-worker, who is part owner of Senor Wong's in St. Paul, to take some pictures of food for him. He was really looking for the shallow DoF, which I can get somewhat with the 18-200, but I wanted it to be REALLY noticeable. So I went to National Camera, and picked it up. The pictures turned out pretty well, mostly because of the lens. I didn't even put any other lens on the camera - just kept the 50mm on, and it worked out beautifully. I have 5 pictures on my Flickr stream, and I think they turned out pretty nice. And I even got to keep the food!

It will also come in handy this weekend, when I shoot pictures of the toddler C. C is the son of a woman who works with one of Becky's friends. She saw some of the pictures I took at a "Welcome Home" party that was at their house, and liked how they turned out. So, I get to take some fall pictures of her son in different places this Saturday morning. So, I'm hoping that it will pay itself off in the long run. And as it wasn't that expensive of a lens in the first place, I'm really hoping it won't take long.