Monday, May 19, 2008

One weekend is over, one to come...

What a weekend. Had a Flickrwalk on Saturday night at Harriet Island in St. Paul. There were about 20 people who ended up showing up. Slowly posting some pictures on my Flickrsite.

Becky has even more pictures on her Flickrsite too. Madeline wanted her water table out, so we brought it up to the deck for her to play with. She got completely soaked, but it was expected, since she loves to play in the water.

This coming weekend is Kristie and Ryan's wedding. I'm not the photographer for it (as I don't have the lighting equipment or know-how for shooting a wedding), but I'll be wandering around with my camera and Madeline, as Becky is in the wedding. It's going to be an exciting weekend, but I'll be happy once it is over so things can start returning to "normal" around home.

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