Monday, June 30, 2008

Some Answers, No Pictures

I didn't take one picture this weekend. Not one. I did get out and hit the range with Shawn and then played 9 holes at the executive course at Oak Glen. Didn't to the best, but not the worst either. Sort of what I expected after my third time at the range this year. Not really feeling the golf thing this year either - while it was fun to get out and catch up with Shawn, golfing wasn't that exciting. Not sure what's going on with that, as I use to play a bunch every year.

We are going to go to Door County in Wisconsin this coming up weekend for a short vacation. We are planning on taking Becky's car, but Bill and Vicki came up this past weekend and mentioned that we could take their van instead. Something to think about, but it would mean them coming up Friday night so we can leave Saturday morning for the trip. We'd have more room, and Madeline loves that van, as it has a built-in DVD player she likes to use. Hopefully I'll be able to take a bunch of pictures this weekend to make up for the lack of pictures this past weekend.

We also got an email last night from MK, who took Madeline's 3-year pictures for us. The rest of our proofs were ready, and we could check them out online. MK is an incredible photographer, and has a great way with kids. Madeline takes a while to warm up to people, but she did much faster with MK than anyone else. The hard part now is to figure out what pictures we want, which I leave up to my ever-wonderful wife. As long as there is one for my desk, I'm fine with whatever she picks out.

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