Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Has it been a week already?

Wow. Time sure does fly by lately.

On the photo front, I did take a bunch of pictures this weekend. Posted most of them on Flickr. Upon checking my Flickr stats this morning, I found a website that linked an image of mine to a blog they have. While I usually wouldn't have a problem with this, asking me about it first is something that people need to do. Flickr isn't just a "free" photo site, especially when I have all of my photos marked "all rights reserved". Simply asking me about it first would have prevented me from downloading the hi-res version, and replacing it with the same picture, so the image now shows up as "this image is not currently available" on their site.

Going to be shooting some this weekend too. We'll see how that turns out. Also going to meet up with a bunch of people I used to hang out with BITD on Friday night. Should be interesting, as I haven't seen most of them for over 15 years.

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