Monday, June 29, 2009


Here it is, summertime. Still have not got out too much to shoot due to the expanded family. Witgh the 4th of July coming up this weekend, I'm hoping to get out and try to shoot some fireworks for the first time.

More gear arrived for me since I posted last. I picked up a used Nikon N50 film body for $14, and completed my tripod with a Giottos ball head. Pretty happy with the ball head and leg combo that I assembled, but we'll have the ultimate test when I try longer exposures and see how it holds up.

I have a shoot scheduled for July 11th. I'll be taking pictures of one of my wife's friends co-workers' son. Long connection, but it works. We're meeting at a very kid-friendly place, and hopefully will get some great shots of him for his 3rd birthday.

I also still have my work up at Shane's on Main in downtown Stillwater. With the tourist season getting busy down there, hopefully I'll sell a few more images.

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