Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Long time, no posts

Been a crazy summer.

I've done a few photo shoots of kids this summer. I did a few last year, but more this year. The kids are always fun and interested in the camera, so it ends up being fun for everyone.

Still have images up at Shane's on Main in downtown Stillwater. Shane has been cool about keeping the stuff up, as he is having problems finding a new artist to take the main spot in the restaurant. Which works out great for me, as I have 12 photos at the main door at his restaurant.

Which brings me to the next installation. I installed 8 photos at New Beginnings Spa on Snelling and Grand Avenue in St. Paul. They are about a block and a half east down Grand, and have several artists' work installed upstairs. I have a wall in the yoga room.

I'll be taking down 8 of my images that are at Shane's this week, or early next week. I'll be installing September 2nd at The Women's Center at Lakeview Hospital in Stillwater. I had some images up there last year, and was asked to return. Always a good feeling to be asked back again. The sad part is that I've had my images at Shane's for so long, and it's been a great place to have them displayed. I should be able to have four images up there still, but we'll see what Shane wants to do. He's got plenty of existing art in the restaurant, but fresh art is always welcome.

After the images at New Beginnings come down, which is 45 days after installation, I'll be installing at Dunn Bros. Coffee Shop in Stillwater. They mentioned the first of September, but I won't be able to take my art down at the spa until the 4th, so I'll have to clear that up with Dunn Bros. before I install. I'm sure the current artist won't mind a couple of extra days. Plus, I need to check out the space there and see what I can hang, and where.

So, I haven't been able to get out and take much of the "creative" shots I like to shoot. I've got a few places I'd like to go soon, and when fall rolls around, even more spots to go shoot.

And I need to hook up with fellow photographer Chad, to find a barn so he can shoot a car at.

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