Monday, March 2, 2009

March Already?

I went out and shot some around St. Paul. Finally made it to the Seventh Street Improvement Arches. Construction on them started in 1883, and finished in 1884. They have this cool helicoidal design, which makes the bricks that it is made out of spiral around. I wanted to go exploring around the trails a bit more, but would rather do it in a group. Maybe that's a good Flickrwalk idea -the arches and then the following trails around them.

Putting up my work at Shane's on Main has been delayed. I called Shane last night, to confirm that I was to come out, and he forgot he had to pick up his sister and her husband from the airport. So we re-scheduled for tonight. I'm going to try to remember to take some pictures again.

That's about all I've got so far for this week. We'll have to see how the week goes and maybe blog more later.

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