Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Couple of Days Left Until...

The big opening at Shane's on Main in Stillwater. Like I've probably said before, I've got a dozen images up on the walls in Shane's restaurant. From 3-7pm on Saturday, come down to downtown Stillwater and hang out with some great people, great food and great photography!

Need to get out and shoot more. The weather hasn't been co-operating at all; in fact, it snowed this morning, and is pretty dreary out right now. Plus, two times I did not have my camera, I've seen Bald Eagles flying around. One was right by the US Bank in Stillwater near Cub. The other was on 244 by Mahtomedi, on one of the ponds. It was eating some sort of creature; I couldn't tell if it was a fish or an animal. Either way, I could have filled up the viewfinder with the bird if I had the camera along with me. I'll just have to remember to bring it with me everywhere, for the shots that just happen along for me.

I'm actually just hoping that the weather finally co-operates, and things can get warm again. Otherwise, I'll have to break down and take pictures of the psycho robin that keeps on trying to get into my neighbor's front door. It's been there for about 3 days now - flying at the door, not hitting it, but then back to the tree, or the sidewalk. And up again, and back again. It does take a break for a drink now and then, but it goes right back at it.

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