Monday, April 6, 2009

It's Over!

Saturday came up very quickly. The event at Shane's on Main was a blast. Lots of people came out just to see me! Thank you to everyone who showed up, and thanks to Shane at Shane's on Main for hosting the event. I had a good time talking to everyone, and before I knew it, it was over.

We ended up going to Bachman's on Saturday morning for their spring opening. My daughter loves everything about it; the flowers, the "plant your own flower", the baby animals. And it helped take my mind off of the afternoon event, so it worked out. I did bring my camera, and took a bunch of macro shots with my Sigma 28-80mm lens that I just picked up. There are several of them posted up on Flickr now.

On other topics, it looks like I'll be heading to the Badlands at the end of the month. A co-Flickr-ite asked me a while back about going, and after this weekend, my wife gave me the hall pass to go.

And I need to get a handful of photos together, and write an artists' statement for another possible adventure. It keeps on growing!

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